Mission Statement

Mission Statement:
The Harford Tech Wrestling Program is an athletic educational organization that is dedicated to the development, training, and mentoring of its student-athletes in a challenging, but positive environment. This program teaches proper technique and the disciplines of leadership, hard work, and character building in order to produce physically and mentally fit young men and women that are fully prepared for life both inside and outside of the sport.

Motivational Quote of the Week (Week of February 19, 2018):

"Success is not final... failure is not fatal... It is the courage to continue that counts..."

- Winston Churchill


2017 – 2018 Harford Technical High School Wrestling Roster
First Name         Last Name                     Grade                 Experience                       Wt. Class 
Ethan                  Adams                              10                       2                                         106
Morire                Animashaun                    10                       1                                         195
Hayden              Barrow                             9                         1                                         106
Keagan               Bergeron                          9                         1                                         285
Clifford               Bibio                                 10                       1                                         138/145
Inigo                   Capinpin                          11                       3                                         132/138
Thomas              Carter                               10                       1                                         120
Pierce                 Courtalis                          10                       3                                         126
Jalen                   Cunningham                    10                       2                                         160
Jerome               Dance                               10                       1                                         126/132
Elijah                  Dennis                              10                       1                                         138
Trinity                 Dorsey                              10                       2                                         145/152
Brandon             Fletcher                            10                       1                                         220
Jonathan            Fletcher                            10                       2                                         152
Alex                    Gonzalez                          9                         1                                         113/120
Samuel               Grabia                              10                       2                                         138/145
Randall               Hedger                             11                       1                                         195/220
Logan                 Hoover                             11                       2                                         152
Ethan                  Ingoglia                            9                         1                                         195/220
Drew                  Jones                                11                       3                                         170
Joshua                Juliano                             10                       1                                         106
Lorenzo               Kern                                 11                       1                                         152
Joshua                Klapaska                          11                       1                                         195
Austin                 Krause                              9                         3                                         120
Euripides            Loizou                              10                       2                                         145
Evan                   Moore                              10                       2                                         160
Austin                 Palmer                             9                         1                                         145
Kyle                    Paugh                               12                       4                                         126
Kevin                  Peters                               10                       1                                         138
Jeffrey                Peterson                          12                       3                                         132
Garrett               Pfarr                                 10                       4                                          126
Jared                   Pomfrey                           11                       3                                         152/160
Jake                    Schroeder                        11                       2                                         160/170
Logan                 Seling                               10                       1                                         170/182
Gage                   Smelser                            12                       4                                         120
Liqouri                Stith                                 11                       1                                         220/285
Spencer              Swanson                          11                       3                                         106/113
Andrew              Townsley                         11                       1                                         138
Ryan                   Turney                              9                         3                                         132
Bryan                  Wall                                 10                       2                                         145
Miles                  Walton                             12                       1                                         195
Nick                    Warner                            10                       3                                         182
Mitchell              Winnicki                           12                       2                                         152
Andrew               Wood                               11                       1                                         120